GD-99 MSCW (Must, should, could, would be nice)

Two years ago Radioddity released the GD-88. HAD IT BEEN READY for release it would have been hot competition for the Anytone 878. But, it was severely…. undercooked? It had some pretty major bugs. In the ensuing two years bugs have been squashed and it lacks a highly important feature. Bluetooth. The GD-99 must 100% do all the features the GD-88 came with on release AND have Bluetooth audio AND data. It should have all the satellite functionality from the OpenGD77 software. Radioddity could have programming software available for Android and iOS. Until then GD-88 users wait for GPS and APRS bugs to be squashed so these features work again.

Auto-generated description: A digital mobile radio device with a connected charging or data transfer cable is resting on a surface.